Seminar Purpose (Spring 2017)
The main purpose of this seminar is to function as a "curated reading group." Each week everyone will read either a single paper or a few papers loosely related by topic area, and we will discuss the papers and common themes together. This helps us be more aware of what other researchers are doing, and see examples of successful papers that get published in top venues. Papers in this reading group generally make use of, or enhance, embedded networked systems research.
To ensure quality we will restrict ourselves to the top conferences such as SenSys, IPSN, MobiSys, and ASPLOS. We will also look at interesting papers from related conferences such as SIGMETRICS, PLDI, UbiComp, SOSP/OSDI, Mobicom, SIGCOMM, OOPSLA, UIST, Oakland, etc.
All seminar participants are required to read "How to Read a Paper" before the seminar starts.This invaluable text details a practical and efficient three-pass method for reading research papers, saving time and helping with comprehension.
It is expected that each person will have read each paper enough to grasp core concepts / contributions, identify weaknesses and strengths, be able to place the paper in the literature, and compare against other papers read. Come with questions and comments on the paper's insights, novelty, significance, assumptions, methodology, flaws, etc. You specifically want to look for the following:
- One positive insight into each work; for example a novel evaluation method that could be used in your own research.
- One negative insight into each work; for example pointing out a flaw in methodology.
- One general observation about overall topic area of the papers; this could be identifying major problems, talking about holes in the literature, or forecasting the future of the field.
To help you organize your thoughts on the paper, please use this review form (similar to what you would use if you were reviewing for a conference). If you're taking the seminar for credit, please submit your review form by 8 AM the day before we meet.
- Assigned for 17 January
- Topic: Introduction to Seminar
- No Readings
- Assigned for 24 January
- Topic: Intermittent Programs
- Intermittent Computation without Hardware Support or Programmer Intervention
- Chain: Tasks and Channels for Reliable Intermittent Programs
- Assigned for 31 January
- Topic: Wearables I
- A Lightweight And Inexpensive In-ear Sensing System For Automatic Whole-night Sleep Stage Monitoring
- Assigned for 7 February
- Topic: Wearables II
- Toothbrushing Monitoring using Wrist Watch
- Monoxalyze: Verifying Smoking Cessation with a Keychain-sized Carbon Monoxide Breathalyzer
- Assigned for 14 February
- Topic: Embedded Systems Security
- AoT: Authentication and Access Control for the Entire IoT Device Life-Cycle
- Robust, low-cost, auditable random number generation for embedded system security
- Secret from Muscle: Enabling Secure Pairing with Electromyography
- From Physical to Cyber: Escalating Protection for Personalized Auto Insurance
- Assigned for 21 February
- Topic: Low-Level Networking Issues
- Staffetta: Smart Duty-Cycling for Opportunistic Data Collection
- Effectively Capturing Attention Using the Capture Effect
- Assigned for 28 February
- Topic: Networks, Energy, and Spectrum
- HitchHike: Practical Backscatter Using Commodity WiFi
- SNOW: Sensor Network over White Spaces
- Assigned for 7 March
- Topic: Deep Learning: Fad or Future?
- Deep Learning for RFID-Based Activity Recognition
- Sparsification and Separation of Deep Learning Layers for Constrained Resource Inference on Wearables
- Assigned for 14 March
- Topic: Special paper session.
- Contact Josiah for Reading.
- Assigned for 28 March
- Topic: ASPLOS 2017 Potpourri
- Determining Application-specific Peak Power and Energy Requirements for Ultra-low-power Processors
- BROWSIX: Bridging the Gap Between Unix and the Browser
- Assigned for 4 April
- Topic: Small Systems, Big Ideas
- WALNUT: Waging Doubt on the Integrity of MEMS Accelerometerswith Acoustic Injection Attacks
- Intermittent Computing: Challenges and Opportunities
- Assigned for 18 April
- Topic: Intersections of Health and Wellness with CPS and Embedded Systems
- Research Directions for Cyber Physical Systems in Wireless and Mobile Healthcare
- HemaApp: Noninvasive Blood Screening of Hemoglobin using Smartphone Cameras
- EmotionCheck: Leveraging Bodily Signals and False Feedback to Regulate our Emotions
- Assigned for 25 April
- Topic: Co-processors for continuous sensing
- SIDEWINDER: Efficient and Easy-to-Use Continuous Sensing